Why use lisodoX ?

The next generation document translation using AI technology

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70% cost saving. 80% time saving.  How is it possible?

Manage your project with one-click

Translation project managers have the full control over the project and can track the progress easily. Adding internal and external users, set the access to the translation memory, schedule managment. Visualized project tracker enables the easy and efficient project management.


  • Schedule set-up and visualized tracker.
  • Detailed statistics with document analysis.
  • Internal and external user management.
  • Control the translation memory access.
  • Uploaded file, asset, project template management.

Real-time text editing

Extracting text, sending .xml files, re-entering the translations are not needed anymore. Start translating and proofreading without the complicated file exchange. Simply click and change the text, see them in the original document layout. There are many more advantages like seeing the context, text length, which bring you the highest quality translation!


  • No text extraction or creating .xml files.
  • Type the text and renew to check the layout direclty.
  • No InDesign, Word, Powerpoint installation needed, all in lisodoX integrated!
  • Changed texts are directly saved in the translation memory.
  • Less work for the designers = less translation time.
  • Translations are directly saved in the original data format.
  • Higher quality translation with the layout, seeing the context and graphics.


Optimize your workflow

Every companies have different translation process. Working with the in-house translators or translation agencies, the scope of designing related process, quality assuranc, and the use of translation management softwares. You can easily customize the workflow that works best for your company and project. Simple clicks will do the work.


  • 8 steps of workflow customization.
  • Choose to apply AIs in translation and proofreading.
  • Choose to translate on lisodoX or with your CAT tool.
  • Much simpler workflow without exchanging files.
  • Automatic email notification for each tasks.
  • Shared view of current translation progress.
  • 10 user roles settings.

Next level
AI Translation

Use the best AI engines for your project. Get the recommendation and train them with your translation memory. No more repetitive translation, use AI after the pre-translation with the translation memory and excluded terminologies. Bring your AI translation into the next level. 


  • Perfect text recognition in a complex designed document!
  • Use 4 AI engines at the same time. (Google, Amazon, DeepL, MS)
  • Choose to use MT for initial translation or as a supportive tool.
  • Get the recommendation from the AIs and translation memory for each text.
  • AI translation is applied only after the pre-translation!
  • Pre-translation is done with the translation memory and the excluded terminology settings.

...and many more!

lisodoX is fully customizable for your organization. It is already integrated with Across engine, and other CAT tools like Trados can also be integrated as your request. We guarantee you the smooth transition to lisodoX by providing full support!


  • Current CAT tools and translation memory integration.
  • Divide the topics of the translation memory. Apply them to each project or globally.
  • Your own branding and interface customization.
  • No extra cost! Additional costs like project setup, document analysis, correction costs will be reduced to ZERO.
  • 100% online. No installation required for the users.
  • Safety is our golden rule. All data is protected including your own translation memory.

Don’t wait and start
cut down your budget



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